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MacOS Big Sur plus - 1.2.7

3.95/5 (216 votes).

macOS Big Sur Plus 

A simple and modern created by Castroios, for all those who love jailbreak in order to change the default iOS icons and give a little more life to our devices I hope this theme is to your liking, if you buy the theme you can request up to 5 free icons, You can contact me via twitter @ castroios2 for any doubt or question, you can also find me on youtube as CastroiOS where I make videos

.1-) Freatures

.2-) 237 icons and more to come

.3-) 1 pack of badges mask

Theme compatible with iOS 11 Up to iOS 13.5 for those who use Unc0ver for those who use creckr1an is compatible with iOS 13.6

compatible with iPhone 5s, iPhone 6,6+ iPhone 7,7+ 8,8+ iPhone X, XR, iPhone SE 2 iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max 

V 1.2.7 

.What's new

.15 New icons

.10 Redesigned icons

V 1.2.6

What's new:

20 News icon & 5 Request icons 

V 1.2.4

What's new:
An alternative icon pack with total of 2
